Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Leck Mich Im Arsch

Did you know that Mozart composed a canon literally titled "Lick Me in the Ass"? I didn't know until just now. It's quite a fun canon, too, sung by six voices in a three-part round. It's uncertain what the original lyrics were, but it seems they might have just been repetitions of the line, "Leck mich im Arsch g'schwindi," of which the last word means 'quickly' and is 'geschwind' in its correct spelling.

The most common bowdlerized (censored, reworked) version translates to:
Let us be glad!
Grumbling is in vain!
Growling, droning is in vain,
is the true bane of life,
Droning is in vain,
Growling, droning is in vain, in vain!
Thus let us be cheerful and merry, be glad!

This is the canon - with notes and lyrics! Enjoy.